
ModQuik is a desktop app that allows Teaching Assistants to keep track of their responsibilities, students’ progress and schedules for their semester.

Summary of contributions

Given below are my contributions to the project.

  • Code contributed: heyzec’s tP Dashboard

  • Enhancements implemented:
    • Added finding students command
      • What it does: Via the find command, the TA is able to see a selected list of students based a search criteria, e.g. student name, student ID, module and tutorial.
      • Justification: As there are many students, having such a feature allows the TA easily narrow down to specific students.
      • Highlights: By using the Java’s Predicate class, it is very easy for future developers to extend the code to introduce more filtering criteria.
    • Added extracting emails command
      • What it does: After using the find command, the TA can then use the extract emails command, to quickly send mass emails to selected students. ModQuik generates a deeplink URL which, when pasted into the browser, redirects the user to NUS WebMail with a new email draft with the intended recipients.
      • Highlights: This feature was interesting to implement as it required searching online to figure out the format of the deeplink to redirect to a Microsoft Web Outlook. It also required more testing to ensure the behaviour is the intended one across various operating systems.
    • Ability for ModQuik to recognise date and time
      • What it does: The newly created internal Date and Time classes make use of Java’s datetime packages in order to parse user input.
      • Justification: This is required so that other entities are able to sorted. Moreover, it required for further enhancements, such as ability to detect conflicting schedules.
      • Highlights: This enhancement was a challenging one as it required multiple rounds of refactoring in order to adhere to the software design principles of DRY and SLAP.
  • Documentation:
    • User Guide:
      • find command
      • extract emails command
      • Added links to other sections
      • Added prefix summary
      • Formatting and phrasing of the user guide
    • Developer Guide:
      • find command
      • extract emails command
      • Logic subsection of the architecture section
  • Contributions to team-based tasks:
    • Organised issue tracker by tagging bugs with the appropriate labels for easier identification.